A Minor (But Important) Change to Dolphin Shout

I am pleased to announce another change in the evolution of Dolphin Shout.

Unlike other changes we've done recently, though, this will have almost no effect on the site. It is more of a formality that I feel is necessary.

I started Dolphin Shout two and a half years ago with the hope of having a blog where I could share my thoughts and discuss with a few like-minded people. Since then it has grown into more than I could have imagined. I want to thank all of you guys for making Dolphin Shout what it is now. I know I say this kind of frequently, but you guys are the reason Dolphin Shout is what it is today.

And before I announce the change I want to say a special thank you to my writers: Gary, Patrick, and Kenny. You guys are the ones who keep Dolphin Shout running, and you're responsible for the tremendous growth of the site.

So what's the change? Well, it's pretty simple, actually.

Dolphin Shout is no longer a 'Miami Dolphins Blog'. Dolphin Shout is now a 'Miami Dolphins Community'. We will still have the same blog. We'll have the same forums. Everything will stay the same except for how we refer to the site.

I told you it was minor, but it was still important to me that we made this change. Dolphin Shout has become much more than just a blog. We're a community now. Sure, we still have the blog and forum, but that isn't what defines us. What defines us is the community that we've created, the friends we've made, and the discussion that we engage in.

Any site can have a blog. Not many can have a community.

So thank you to everyone who has helped make Dolphin Shout the awesome place it is today. Here's to many more years.