New Dolphin Shout Page: Miami Dolphins Birthdays & Still Taking Miami Dolphins Questions

I have added a new page to my blog. On it is the birthdays of every key player of the Miami Dolphins.

I figured this would be a cool little tool to look up if you ever need it.

Please check it out and if there is anyone that you think should be included from Miami please either post a comment here or email me at and I will see to adding them immediately.

That's all for now, and please keep your questions about the Miami Dolphins coming. For those of you who don't know, I am currently letting people email me questions pertaining to the Miami Dolphins and I answer it on my post. If you want to ask me a question please send it like this:

Name: Insert name here

Location: City and/or State where you are from

Question: Your Miami Dolphins question

You can also include the website you are representing if you are representing one. Maybe you can gain a little bit of exposure with your questions, so please feel free to email a question whenever you want.

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