The talk about Town

Sorry everyone it's been a little slow in Dolphin land so there hasn't been much to write about.  For those of you that didn't see or hear about the gossip side of things I'll try to catch you up at this time.

There was a story written by one of the writers ( Brian Biggone ) of the Palm Beach Post about calling Joe Philbin a liar.  It seems that Biggone was pressing Philbin about Brian Hartline not participating in the mini camp a few weeks ago.
When asked about that, Philbin told the reporter Hartline was missing because of personal reasons.  When that answer didn't suit the "Biggone" he pressed on with the questioning.  Philbin then told "Biggone" that Hartline had a calf injury.

A few days later Hartline on WQAM revealed he had an appendectomy.  This is where the reporter "Biggone" of the PBPost went off the deep end.  He wrote on his blog site that Philbin lied to him about Hartline's injury and called him a liar for doing so.  Now I can tell all of you from experience having had to many visits to the hospital in the past 5 years there is law in Florida and maybe Nation wide.  That says a Doctor or the Hospital can not release information to anyone about a patience condition.  The law is called "HIPPA" or something like that.  The only person that could get information about my condition was my Wife from what I know.  Anyone else seeking information from my Doctor would need me to sign a waiver to release the information to the person that I listed on the form.

By law Philbin didn't have the permission to give PBPost any information about Hartline's condition other than what he gave.  To make a long story short. Philbin called " Brian Biggone " the day after he called Philbin a liar.  Biggone then wrote about that phone call in another blog.

I mentioned all of this because we must rely on the writers in S. Florida for the news about the Dolphins.  If that information comes from a source that has no confidence in the Dolphins or it's coaching staff how could they be impartial ?  Calling Philbin a liar is absurd.

In other news.  Some reports have Tannehill as 3rd on depth chart at this time.

Chad Johnson was married last Saturday.  During his ceremony he was on twitter.  " My Wife would have killed me for doing that. "

Early reports have Artis Hicks ahead of John Jerry AKA " the marshmallow "