Anyone up for a fantasy football league with all Miami Dolphins fans?
Bill over at Phin Nation reached out to me about doing a fantasy football league with our two sites, and it was such a great idea I couldn't say no.
We will have six people from each site join the league (Bill and I will be in the league so it's technically five). Here is a basic overview of the scoring:
Passing TDs are 4 points
All other TDs are 6 points
25 passing yards equals 1 point
10 rushing/receiving yards equals 1 point
Interceptions and Fumbles are -2 points
Starting rosters will be as follows:
1 QB
2 RB
2 WR
1 Flex (RB/WR)
1 TE
1 K
1 D/ST
The league will be held on Fox Sports. They have a great fantasy football system, and I think we'll enjoy it a lot. There is no cost to join. We're just doing this for bragging rights. And I assure you, we will win.
I am going to do this first come first serve, so if you want to do it send me an email at ASAP.
Current Participants:
1. Me (Paul)
2. BuckeyeFinfan (Todd)
3. 13kvFINS (Kenny)
4. Clint (PitFinFan)
5. Shawn
6. Raul
Closed. Thanks everyone for entering.
Remember, email me at if you want to join. The spots are first come first serve.