Now Taking Miami Dolphins Fan Questions By Email Or Twitter

Hey everyone. Because there is no free agency, this time of the year is especially slow. So, I will be taking your questions about the Miami Dolphins to answer in later posts.

If you have a question for me there are two ways you can ask.

The first is you can email me at

The other way is you can tweet me @PaulDSmythe or

When you ask the question please at least include your name so I can tell people who is asking. You can also put where you are from if you would like.

You guys always seem to have a lot of good questions, so I am looking forward to hearing what you ask.

Also, if you don't want to ask a question but have a request about something I should write about please send it. I would be just as happy to get a request as I would for a question.

Thanks for stopping by, now hit me with something.