Ask Me A Draft Question Pertaining To The Miami Dolphins

Because there isn't exactly anything newsworthy to write about, I was thinking I would take some of your questions and answer them in blog posts up until the NFL Draft.

The questions should be about the NFL Draft and the Miami Dolphins. They can be about specific players in the draft that you think Miami should target or about what would Miami do in certain situations? I am open to a lot of things, so just send it in and I might answer it in a blog post.

You should email your question(s) to along with whatever way you want to be identified. Here is an example of one way to format your question:

What City, State You Are From:
Website/Blog You Own(if you own one and would like to represent it):

You don't have to format it that way, but that is an option.

If you have a question that you're not sure is an NFL Draft question but is something that I might want to post on my blog, please feel free to still send it in.

Thank you guys for reading, and I will be waiting for those emails at