Chad Pennington Needs ACL Surgery

Miami Dolphins veteran QB Chad Pennington has torn his ACL playing pickup basketball according to this tweet.

This is unfortunate news for Pennington who has had to overcome numerous season-ending shoulder injuries in his career. I am almost positive that Pennington won't ever be playing again in the NFL. He had announced a few months ago that he was hoping to play football again after his latest shoulder injury, but I highly doubt there is any chance of that anymore.

The fact that he was playing basketball is a strong reminder to other players who are working out on their own this offseason because they won't be covered by their teams. Pennington will likely have to pay for the surgery himself without any help from the Dolphins. It is unfortunate that it happened this way, but that was the risk he took when he decided to play basketball.

This injury could just force Pennington into becoming a coach, which he would be really good at. I would love to have him on the staff for the Dolphins, and I wouldn't be surprised if that happens. He seems to like Miami, so he would probably choose to stay and coach there.

Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think about this whole situation.